Embracing a free and responsible search for truth and meaning while
demonstrating our strong belief in the interdependent web of all existence.
We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA
This Month's Services - Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Living Our Principles in a Time of Social Distancing!
in-person or online via Zoom
If you prefer to attend online, the service is offered at this zoom link:
September 1
"Celebrating 10 Years with Rev. Jane"
Rev. Jane Page
Join us as we celebrate 10 years of ministry by Rev. Jane. She will share how she has attempted to "Answer the Call" to minister throughout her life. And, YES, there will be cake!
September 8
"This Little Light of Mine"
Clint Tawes
As Unitarian Universalists, our faith is one of deeds, not creeds. In this sermon, we will reflect on how Unitarian Universalists share our values not by proselytizing, but by embodying them in our daily lives. We’ll consider what it means to let our light shine, offering our truth to the world without imposing it on others.
September 15
"Money Makes the World Go Around"
Randy Blasch
Once again it is time for our stewardship kick off. Is it about the community and people, or is it just really all about the money?
ALSO: Members are asked to stay for a very brief meeting regarding a change to the bylaws.
September 22
"Revisiting Ten Years of Themes"
Beth Sutton
Cultivating Mindfulness 2024
September 29
"UUCG Social Justice Recognition"
Denise Anderson and Sharon Ehle
UUCG Social Justice Recognition Service. Members will share their passions regarding local and national social justice issues. Additional details will be provided in upcoming weekly UUCG emails.