Embracing a free and responsible search for truth and meaning while
demonstrating our strong belief in the interdependent web of all existence.
We are located at 1710 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA
As with any organization,
it takes people to keep UUCG running as a viable church in our community.
There are many areas where members and friends participate by using their talents.
We have numerous teams that work with the Board of Trustees to enhance the UUCG experience.
(We prefer the term "team" to the traditional word "committee.") The more that you get involved, the more you will get from your experience at UUCG.
· Membership
The membership team manages the official membership list and encourages new members to join. They also recruit and schedule greeters, who welcome people coming in for service. Visitors are welcomed and given a name badge. The membership team continually corresponds with new and potential members to clarify information and suggest opportunities. The membership team also coordinates new member social activities and recruitment.
· Helping Hands
Helping Hands volunteers coordinate needed support for members facing recoveries from illnesses or surgeries. These responses often come in the form of meals, visits, or running of errands from any and all in our church community. Responses are managed using an online calendar with automatic communication going to both recipient and donor. Currently, support can be requested by contacting Mike Tennent or Lollie Bohannon.
· Green Sanctuary
Enhance the Social Justice Team by encouraging sustainable, green living practices in church and family life. Present educational programs that encourage support of local organizations committed to the preservation of our unique coastal home - such as the Glynn Environmental Coalition.
· Social Justice
The Social Justice Team maintains connections with a variety of community organizations. The team facilitates communication about opportunities to serve the community to the congregation. The Social Justice Team also coordinates social justice events, such as providing breakfast for area clergy during an event.
· Finance
Prepare and present the church budget and monitor expenditures. Approve special expenses and propose fundraising activities for sustaining the building fund. Report to the Board of Trustees.
· Building & Landscaping
Caretake the church building; perform and/or coordinate routine maintenance such as cleaning; solicit outside contractors for special projects. Perform and/or coordinate landscaping maintenance tasks as needed such as pruning, mulching, raking and mowing.
· Welcoming Congregation
Our church doors are open to all persons regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We support LGBTQ+ activities in the greater community and are active participants in the Unitarian Universalist Association Welcome Renewal Program, earning annual recognition for our educational programming series.